tirsdag den 17. april 2012

Tuesday - road trip

So I got the money cleared in the middle of the night, and when I got up, I had my first morning coffee with Sean. He grains his coffee beans him self, like I used too, and due to Alison's allergies, they didn't have regular milk, but some non-sweet coconut milk, which gives this rich coffee taste! It is gooood!!
Sean went to work, and Alison was heading out as well, so I started the plan for that day: to get to the airport, pick up cash, pick up rental car, drive down to LA to see H&H Antiques (who builds and hops up Ford Model A engines!), drive back and go to sleep.
I too the BART to the airport, found the TravelEx, and got the money. It took a little time, but I guess, it was okay. At the counter at FoxRentACar it took even more time, that I could have imagined, so I finally got on the south bound freeway around 10:45 am.
I tried to step on it, as it was a 6 hours drive, and Max Sr. at H&H had told me, they would close up at 5 o'clock. And not exceeding the speed limits by much, I actually drove in at their address at 4:20 - just to see a locked gate! I mean, I saw an H&H trailer heading north, but I figured, that when he had mailed me, that that would be there monday and tuesday from 9 to 5, I was counting on it! Guess I needed to call ahead to confirm first, which I will do next time I'm coming out to California.
As I stood there, looking in at the place I've looked forward to see, a package delivery drove up, and he told me, that they go home early, if they haven't got any thing to do. He drove off, and this young guy, Sam, rode his Fixie bicycle past the place, and I stopped him to hear, of he knew anything about the shop or where they guys behind it might live. He didn't, but we got to talking about him going for a backpacking trip through Europe in the early summer. So my trip wasn't all in vain, at least I gave him some traveling tips and stuff to see back home.
So, I took some pictures of the place (or at least of what I could see of it from outside the fence!), and got back in my fancy rental Ford Focus, started the 6 hours drive back to San Francisco, and was home at around midnight.