torsdag den 31. oktober 2013

Braces for a sun visor

Was at House of Kustomz (Brians part of the former Pirate Kusomz, after what feels like a bad divorce) to help prepare for the show at Bella Center the comming weekend. Tonights task was to fabricate a pair of braces for the sun visor on the newly build '28 Chevé pick-up (a cut-down two door sedan), as the old casted ones was broken.
I hammered a piece of steel pipe flat, bended it, and made it fit.

The visor end was threaded to match the old brass bolts, and the A-pillar end was rivited to the pillar.
(Guy in the back ground is Matt, HoK's new man.)

A kuul detail on a rather rough car.

Last week I was out at Tim's new garage, where he is working on the chopped '53 Pontiac for a customer down south.
I especially like the modified molding on the B post:

I will not be going to either shops as often as in the old days- not because, I like one part better than the other, but because neither of the guys behind the shops have been up to my garage, helping me with my projects. So, one hour spend on helping them, is an hour less for working on my own cars.

Keep 'em kruzin!

tirsdag den 8. oktober 2013

Happy birthday to me...

Hasn't blogged i a while.
Ole-Henry has been running great, a little alternator problems, but so far I've managed to fix it by charging the battery at home, and trying to drive home before it's dark.
I began to work on the fourdoor Volvo 121, but I had to give up. Realisticly I'd be better off finding another for the same price as the body work alone. So I had the sheet metal guy and mechanic, Børge Henschel, to look at my 221, Hippo- and we've decided to work on that instead.
Working on the Volvo's has left very little room for planing a birthday party, and my luck would have, that my birthday was the same day the two beamed auto lift, I bought, should be taken down- so no big party this year. I invited Lörs von Loco and Shaddy Shane back to my place after the work, and had some good lunch, and otherwise I celebrated by relaxing with Rikke. Here are some pictures from the day, and the days after.

Gifts from myself to me:

Spend the day in good company:

And birthday meal should be massive! I made large "wienerschnitzlen" with pan fried potatos and butter sauce (guess it's not so healthy, but it tasted good!).

Served with a liberty ale!

And for dessert: hot chocolate and lemon half-moon with whiped cream!

Keep 'em kruzin!