fredag den 31. maj 2013

Down south last weekend

Haven't gone to the garage, since I bought the new pieces, because I prepared to go down south to Lolland visit friends and to go see the motorcycle meet called The Castle Run- a pre-1984 custom bike show last weekend. Only took one picture, but it illustrates the show very well!

Meet a couple of the guys from Sønderborg, and got to shoot this clip:

YouTube Video

Spending time at Peters, I usually always enjoy being the playful uncle for a short while. This time his daughter, Ziva, ate chocolate buns with most of her face:

Afterwards Rikke taught her how to say "fedterøv" (cheap skate), to great irritation for Peter- fun times!

Driving around my old neighbourhood, for once, I felt like going by mom's graveyard, as I saw the chest nut threes blossom. So I picked some flowers, and placed them at the unknowns marble cross.

Then I went by grandmom and grandpa's stone, which I cleaned, before leaving:

All in all, a really great weekend, I really enjoyed!

Keep 'em kruzin!

torsdag den 23. maj 2013

New and broken old parts

Here is my latest investment in the project:

The new version of the broken part:

And just in case, I drew it in our 3D modeling programme at work, so I can make a new, if this one brakes as well!

Keep 'em kruzin!

tirsdag den 21. maj 2013

Crushed belt drive

This is, what I saw, when taking the crank shaft belt drive apart last night:

I guess, some of it might have gone inside, so I have to take the oil pan off, just to be sure.

As for the eledged difference in size, the only difference, I could find, was the ratchet nut:

The diameter IS the same, aproximately 30mm for the shaft, so if I had just stayed and keept on wrenching friday night... it would properbly be something else, that would have broken!

When I had the broken drive apart, and was looking at it at the work table, I was reminded, why I like having Rikke with me in the garage- she texted me a message, asking 'that thing, that's broke, can't you just go to the model A club, and buy a new one tomorrow night?'. This was one of those moments, where I'm the confused one, where her sharp mind is big enough for the both of us!
So I started counting, as the model A club is only open on the first and third tuesday of the month- and today it's the third tuesday of May, then I checked the list of inventory, and they seem to have in stock- so I'm headed there this evening.

Maybe I'll be driveable by friday... Just maybe...

Keep 'em kruzin!

mandag den 20. maj 2013

Friday- the deadline

First thing, I did, when back in the garage, was to take off the water pump in order to go through it. When dismounting the fan, I found a fantastic thing: a retainer ring with a screw, so the shaft shouldn't move in axial direction. Obviously it had gotten loose, as the shaft could wander about 2 1/2 inches, but a good tighten, and problem solved- had thought about turning a new shaft with a flange, but now no need. A really cool find!

Taking the nut off, it was obvious, the packing was missing:

Maybe it's a different version with no need for packing, but I put in the zink nut, and it stoped leaking.
The pin in the shaft and pump wheel was broke, properbly from when the wheel had hit the castings in the old head, an it had moved about 1/5", so I put in the spare shaft.

Clock was ticking, so when I got to the noisy third gear, I took a short cut. As there were plenty of oil in the box, I decided to use an old trick- a banana! I have heard of this from several, who have had troubles with noisy gears in gearboxes and differentials, so in the late hour of three o'clock in the afternoon, I gave it a go!

It didn't make the noise go away, but I like to think, it helped.

Adjusting the ignition became a task itself. Some time back I changed the screw, holding the ignition in the head, to a hexagonal one, but that one I gave away, when selling the G28T head this past winter. And now I remembered why!
When driving with a Weber carb, it sits in the line of the screw, making it very difficult to adjust it with a screw driver at that angle. In fact, my longest screw driver was a little too short, so I had to borrow one from the land lord mob. That did the trick!

Now, last thing to do was to adjust the brakes- you know, safety first... Well, in this case sort of last- but not forgotten! Getting to the rear, it turned out, both wheel bearings needed tightening, so to make sure, nothing was wrong, I took off the right one- but it seemed, it just needed to be tightened. Well, then that was done as well, ensuring me of one thing less to go wrong on the trip!

So, packing all the tools and spareparts, I could think of (including a new speedo cable, I didn't get to mount due to time pressure), home for packing clothes and a well desirved shower, and I could leave about half past six, more than four hours later, then I had hoped for.
No worries- I was late, but I was on the way, and had taken almost anything into account! Just needed to stop by the garage for the spare gasket, I had forgotten, and then I hit the road!... For about 8km, then the engine started boiling! 'It must be wrong ignition setting, I'll just adjust it', I thought. To the side at a parking slot, find the borrowed screw driver and up with the hood... But something was wrong. Then I saw it: The engine was running, but the fan didn't move!
It turned out, the belt drive on this AA is the two piece version, so when calling my good friend, and competitor at the race (the guy, I just had to beat!), it took Allan a good deal of time to find out, what I meant, as he kept talking about the one piece version, which was on his engine. He suspected a do-able, but 3-4 hour job, as he recalled, the radiator had to come off.
I called Rikke, and told her of my newest dilemma: more work and a arrival at saturday noon instead of friday night, or to this weekend spell Ford with D-S-B (danish railways)- meaning to go by train, and leave the car at home, but atleast to be there.

As I next was flipping through my phonebook, looking for a local vintage car guy, who might be able to help, help presented itself in the shape of two young guys, Casper and Jonas in a kuul VW Passat rat looker!
Asked if I needed help, I was swift to reply 'oh yes, please!', so I locked up Ole-Henry, and we drove back to the garage, found a robe, decided to take my Volvo (since Jonas' VW didn't have a hitch, and I wanted to spare him from wasting gas on towing my car), and back we went.
At the car, I discovered, I had droped the keys, so I had to force my way into the car. It's supprising how well the doorlocks works on a model A (or how poor a car thief, I am!). But I got in, and off we went, Jonas driving my Volvo in front and Casper keeping him company. Well at home at the garage, I causiously tried to start Ole-Henry, as I had made sure, he could turn over- so nothing seemed broken inside the newly refirbished engine!
We got to talking, car guys as we are, and Jonas told, that besides the rat Passat (with a very kuul "Cal Look" emblem in the rear window!) he is working on a '73 bug, while Casper is more to the Jap-style, and wanting to put small wheels and factory equiptment on his '99 Civic. They were going to Græsted Veterantræf, to help out Jonas' uncle, who made a VW bus in to a saussage cart-car, called "Pølsebrødet"- very kuul, and great tasting! Getting to the old VW's, we crossed the Judson Super charger, so I had to show them mine two. Jonas had Casper take a couple of pictures for his uncle, as he recently had bought one for a VW boxer, and to explain the delay. And off they went at 20:25, hoping for some dinner was left for them. On the way out the drive way, they even found my lost set of keys!
The rat Passat leaving:

I cannot thank those guys enough! I mean, as I was standing for arround 20 minutes at the side of the road, seeing all the vintage cars going by to go to Græsted, and not one of them stopping in to try to help, the last thing I expected, was two youngsters in a much newer car offering their help!
Jonas and Casper, I owe you!!

Alone at the garage, I tried to see, if I had the parts needed. But with 5 other model A, B and G28T engines, only the one in the car had the two piece belt wheel!
So, at 20:28, I threw in the towel, and took a (very fast!) drive to Copenhagen, in order to go by train to be in Middelfart before midnight.

The first Landfield meet was great, I really enjoyed it, even though the car was left at home, which also gave me a chance to volountier as a helper during the race, inspired by my positive meeting friday evening.

During this project I had a lot of help, so here is some of the people, who chiped in or just listened: my colleagues, Pedersen, Claes, Peter, Jonas and Casper, brormand, the land lord mob, and most of all: Rikke, for her help, motivation and for keeping up with me!

Next deadline: be able to drive, without break downs, to Jungle Fever!.. in 3 weeks, 3 days and aproximate 15 hours...
Hmm.... I'm off to the garage!

Keep 'em kruzin!

Thursday night, getting closer!

Thursday I had to go to work, but kept it short, so I was back at the garage around five o'clock.

Started out with the intension of mounting the manifolds, so I cleared the tool dolly, to make a mobil work table - but found a spring and cam retainer!
The call to my girlfriend went like this;
Rikke: "Hello?"
Me:!"Hi honey. Can you remember, if you put the spring and small shaft piece in the hole, I told you not to take out?"
"But I had to clean it?"
"Yeah, I know, but I told you to put it back in, when you were finished- did you?"
"I don't know... Hang on a minute... Hi!... Yeah, got the Suzuki back from the mechanic... It's rusty, I know..."
"No, I don't know, what's for dinner..."
"Yeah, she's out back... What's that?"
"Honey, I need to..."
"Ha ha, yeah..."
"Sweetheart! Can you focus? If you can't remember, I have to take the front cover off, and that might take..."
"Well, he is at work..."
"Sugar mouse!! Can you remember?"
"What? Remember what?"
"If you mounted the spring and..."
"Oh, no- well, I'm not sure. You were there, can't you remember?"
"No, I was looking after my parts."
"Well, I don't know, maybe... Yeah, salad."
"What? Never mind, I'll just rip out the engine and spend 4-5 hours to see, if it's in there...(said sarcasticly)"
"... and some meat... Yeah, you do that, and have fun!"
"What?! Well, bye..."
"What? Yeah, bye!"
So don't say, I am the clustered minded one all the time, sugar mouse! ;-)

Lifting the front of the engine, it cleared enough to get the cover off, and luckly I did, as it was missing.

Throwing on the manifolds and magneto, just see, if it could run, I was able to start it up thursday evening a little past eight- and it sounded good! It's been a while, since I've heard a model A engine that quiet, and I've never had a hope for such a good sounding engine!

I was so excited, that I completely forgot to video the first start up, but this is second, after I mounted the radiator:
YouTube Video

Getting ready for first test drive:

Back after first test drive. Third gear makes a lot of noice, so I desided to look at it friday.

This is how, I test drove it- no fiddlediddles, just what's needed to get it running! Luckly I live in a quiet contry side!

Just to show, how well it runs, I took this clip as well. Please note, it only took a quater turn with the crank, before it runs!

YouTube Video

Keep 'em kruzin!

onsdag den 15. maj 2013

Things NEVER goes according to plan!

Tuesday night, I started out in a good mood, still hoping for a running car by wednesday late afternoon, early evening.

Just going over the front end, as some of the pin holes in the bolts were empty!

Making sure, nothing pops out of place:

If I lowered the front, it might look like this:

After concerting with my brother, who is a ship machinist, he talked me into changing all the pistons with the new ones, with the remark "Do you just want it done, or do you want it done right?"
So, out with the last two as well, and an empty block and a line of conrods was formed, waiting for the postal expedition to open wednesday at 11:

Clovers for good luck!

After that, I decided to mount the front bell housing, and (this was a bad idea at this point!) the flywheel and clutch:

Wednesday, and I finally got the new pistons!

And mounted in the engine:

I then mounted my swap meet find, an old original head with welded to higher compression. Supposedly it has been used in a car from the danish resistance movement, in order to get around under the noses of nazi-Germans faster.
Top pictures is with stock head for referance:

Mounted on the engine:

When mounting the oil pan, I dropped two bolts in the fly wheel housing, so I had to dismount the clutch and fly wheel again, in order to get them out:

Note to self: mount small shield on front of flywheel housing loosely, BEFORE dropping bolts for oil pan in fly wheel housing!

The engine and it's future residence:

At the end of Wednesday night, the engine was back in the car, but still not running:

Keep 'em kruzin!