fredag den 31. maj 2013

Down south last weekend

Haven't gone to the garage, since I bought the new pieces, because I prepared to go down south to Lolland visit friends and to go see the motorcycle meet called The Castle Run- a pre-1984 custom bike show last weekend. Only took one picture, but it illustrates the show very well!

Meet a couple of the guys from Sønderborg, and got to shoot this clip:

YouTube Video

Spending time at Peters, I usually always enjoy being the playful uncle for a short while. This time his daughter, Ziva, ate chocolate buns with most of her face:

Afterwards Rikke taught her how to say "fedterøv" (cheap skate), to great irritation for Peter- fun times!

Driving around my old neighbourhood, for once, I felt like going by mom's graveyard, as I saw the chest nut threes blossom. So I picked some flowers, and placed them at the unknowns marble cross.

Then I went by grandmom and grandpa's stone, which I cleaned, before leaving:

All in all, a really great weekend, I really enjoyed!

Keep 'em kruzin!