mandag den 13. maj 2013

A weekends work

This past weekend, I worked on the AA engine- with the great help from my girlfriend!
We started out friday, where Rikke was kind enough to lap the last four valves, which were the worst - especially valve 7 from fore was very corroded in the seat:

But she got to it, and after some hours (and two swollen thumbs!), she finished the valves.

Meanwhile, I polished the crank shaft:

In order to prove to the coming owner, I photographed all cylinders, fore and aft side, to show condition after home honing. That way they them self can evaluate, if they want to take the engine apart again, to have it bored and honed professionally.
First cylinder fore:

First cylinder aft:

Second cylinder fore:

Second cylinder aft:

Third cylinder fore:

Third cylinder aft:

Fourth cylinder fore:

Fourth cylinder aft:

Saturday we started with me getting the block ready for the crankshaft, and Rikke cleaned the pistons and the oil pan of the old A engine, which was in the car, when I bought it.
The reason for the use of this particular oil pan is, that it is an early model oil pan with separate oil pump cover in the bottom, making it easier to change oil pump, if needed - and since I now have a spare oil pump from the B engine, I might want to put that one in, if things seems to need it.

No wonder, the white metal of the old con-rod bearing was missing! It was stuck to the oil pan sides!

Block ready for fitting of crank shaft:

Rikke washing the oil pan for lubricating of the connecting rods:

Crank shaft, first fit:

I then installed the adjustable push rods, the A cam shaft (thought of using the B, nut decided to get it running first, before souping it up), and finally the crank shaft.
Meanwhile Rikke took the front of the car apart:

Rikke then adjusted the push rods down, so we could mount the valves next:

And as the last thing saturday night, we put the first valve in the engine!

Sunday was off to a good start, but turned in to a bad day! We got all the valves mounted, and I then spend one and a half hours adjusting the valves to a correct gap, while Rikke kept washing covers for the engine.
Then idiot me tightened the piston ring compressor to much, so it slided in the cylinder, and as this was a first time for me, I though that the new piston rings just needed a little "nudge", so with the handle of a hammer, I knocked the pistons in - resulting in 2nd and 4th piston broke!
Then we took a time off, calling who might have a piston near by. Simultaniously, I found two four-leaved clovers and Rikke found one, so in order to give the engine good karma, we placed them on it, before spending an hour driving around in the search of a 0.080 oversize piston - but no luck.

One of the two broken pistons, with the clovers for better luck next time!

Idiot me, trying to save the otherwise new piston rings:

When we got home, I called Tommy from, and he made sure to send new pistons monday morning.

So, not to waste to much time, we pulled out the B engine with help from the land lord mafia and their bobcat - which we have done a couple of times now, so this time it only took about 20 minutes.

Monday night is training night, so tuesday night I should be back in the garage, making all ready for the new pistons!

Keep 'em kruzin!