torsdag den 5. april 2012

4 hours of sleep

So, since I've posted last, a lot have happened. My eye has healed, my wintercar gave up and had to be towed away, my girlfriend for more than 3 years and 2 months dumped me, so now I'm still renting the garage, we build, but it is no longer rented from my mob-in-law - now they are just the mob! ;-)
So basicly my life and plans for the future have been ruined, but I'm coping.
And I have been dreaming about going to the Viva Las Vegas show ( for years, so this is going to be the year, I'll go. And this is going to be my place for travel updates and stuff, so people can follow my trip.

The plan (at the moment!) is to be in Vegas from this afternoon (thursday) untill monday, being at the show, and from there I'll catch a lift to San Francisco by a guy named Sean, who might let me stay at his place the following week.
Tuesday I'll go down to H&H antique, who build hopped up four bangers, wednesday I'll go to Vern Tardell's, thursday or friday I might go to Sacramento Vintage Ford, and the only "normal" tourist attraction I'm planing is thursday night to go to Alcatraz former prison.
The weekend after I'll be at Booze, Broads and Hot Rods ( at a hotel on the San Francisco pier, and from then on I'm waiting to see, when I get home sick - have got an appartment ready for me from sunday the 15th.

So this morning, after 4 hours of restless sleep, I'm up, heading for the airport with Victor in his Amazon, which he only registered yesterday, looking forward to a rather well planned trip... Well, except for the fact, that I cannot do an online check-in and I only have 1 hour and 25 minutes in transit at Frankfurt Airport, and they recommend 3 hours!! So if things go wrong, I'll miss the FRA-LAS flight, and then I'll have to rebook a ticket and possibly stay in Frankfurt for some time...

So, now we are on the motorway, going 110 with bad rubber seals in the doors (which is causing a lot of noice), the stereo "rocking around the clock tonight" at high volume, and watching the sky turn more and more bright.
Hopefully my life will as well!...

Keep 'em kruzin!