mandag den 10. august 2015

Reversing the Model A rear spring

After reading a couple of threads on DIY reversed eye springs, I've longed for taking my rear spring apart to get the rear lower. But since I (try to!) live by the motto: "Don't fix, what works - by a spare, and fårk that one up!", I haven't done anything about it.
Further more, I like the idea of a small press for the job, like the one used here, as the garage is getting filled surprisingly fast.
But during the hunt for another rear axle for #TheOleHenry, I came upon a good deal, containing a disassembled rear spring, and after reading this, I only needed a press - work has a couple, so problem solved!

Drawing the springs profile for reference, marking the spring about every inch, so far it is bend.

First press was to small, so onwards to the next:

This is more the correct size, so small presses does the trick. Here, patience really is a virtue, and too much pressure will only result in a too curved spring:

Still some pressing to do:

Checking with the reference, marked where more bend must be applied:

Final result, which was pretty good for an hours work!