mandag den 1. juli 2013

Succes- sort of...

I made it to this years South Island Rumble!
Friday morning:

Friday afternoon I left work with the company of Rikke and Stig in his Pontiac:
Upon arrival we shared a lemon halfmoon cake, sort of a danish garage tradition:

Saturday it rained, when we got to the gravel pit:
So the race was wet and slippery - and alot of FUN!! I don't think, I ever did 4 wheel slides before, and never dreamed, I would!

Pictures by Johnny B. "Goode":

But nothing goes smoothly, and this time it was a wire in the generator, who came loose and blocked the stator from turning, so I took it apart, took out the spaghetti-like wires, and is now without, running on batery only - but still running!
Sunday we had a brunch to go to, so we had to be at a certain place at a certain time - so of course the head gasket blew out. But 1 hour 15 min later, we were back on the road (Rikke timed me)!
After brunch, we drove by the Viking Ships museum in Roskilde on the way home, where I found this eel fishing boat from Askø, the island where some of my family on my farthers side originates from:

We also stoped in to take some pictures of a very dirty Ole-Henry:

So, some overlooking of the electrical system, another generator and tightning the head gasket, and it should be good again!

Keep 'em kruzin!