I was asked about the serial numbers, the Scintilla magneto, I'm running on Ole-Henry's AA engine, has. So when I went to the garage tonight, I took a picture of it- and in case, you can't read it, I read it as:
OAP4R 601 Z 33 -->
400-0* 1340-8* / 1350

The older (and defect) mag has a slightly different advance curve and stamping, see pictures below:

And now, back to Hippo's driveline!

I had to change the clutchbearing, so yesterday I took the gearbox off, in order to get in the bell housing, and tonight it was time to reassemble it.
After reassembly, I wiped the transmission top cover with a rag, but the oily gravel was pretty stuck. So I tried a trick, I've read about in Machine Design- use WD40 as a cleaning agent. When I had read the article, I thought to my self, that it must have been a commercial article, maybe even propaganda from the company behind WD40. But with the WD40 can within my reach, I gave it a go. Much to my supprise, it actually seemed to do the job- and rather well, I might add. But see for your self (note the difference on upper and lower half of trans case):

With the driveline pretty much ready to install, and still three quaters left of working time, I started gatering parts for the other things, that need attension before inspection- among others, the lower bracket for the front shock absorbers. Needed the leftover of the old shock out, so I ended the day with a little violence and snaped the piece in two.

I then hammered the bracket back into shape, as the vice had bended it a little.

I considering, if I should clean it in citric acid, to get the rust off, but if I do, I'll blog about it later.
Keep 'em kruzin!