onsdag den 12. juni 2013

When one thing works, the next thing breaks...

I now have a healthy sounding engine, so I took Ole-Henry out for a spin yesterday evening. As everything seemed to be in order, I decided to replace the front spring with a reversed eye one, lowering the front about 3" a little past 9 o'clock. Said and done, and about two hours later a new test ride was in order.

I stopped in at a gas station to fix the window wiper, and shoot this picture of the lowered front:

As I was leaving, the gear box suddently started making really weird and loud noises, and an oudor of very warm gear box oil spread quickly. I carefully drove it the 2 miles back home, and went to bed, as it now was close to 1 o'clock.
So I'll be back in the garage tonight...
Keep 'em kruzin!