Just going over the front end, as some of the pin holes in the bolts were empty!
Making sure, nothing pops out of place:
If I lowered the front, it might look like this:
After concerting with my brother, who is a ship machinist, he talked me into changing all the pistons with the new ones, with the remark "Do you just want it done, or do you want it done right?"
So, out with the last two as well, and an empty block and a line of conrods was formed, waiting for the postal expedition to open wednesday at 11:
Clovers for good luck!
After that, I decided to mount the front bell housing, and (this was a bad idea at this point!) the flywheel and clutch:
Wednesday, and I finally got the new pistons!
And mounted in the engine:
I then mounted my swap meet find, an old original head with welded to higher compression. Supposedly it has been used in a car from the danish resistance movement, in order to get around under the noses of nazi-Germans faster.
Top pictures is with stock head for referance:
Mounted on the engine:
When mounting the oil pan, I dropped two bolts in the fly wheel housing, so I had to dismount the clutch and fly wheel again, in order to get them out:
Note to self: mount small shield on front of flywheel housing loosely, BEFORE dropping bolts for oil pan in fly wheel housing!
The engine and it's future residence:
At the end of Wednesday night, the engine was back in the car, but still not running:
Keep 'em kruzin!