Last wednesday I didn't get anything done – Brian had put a soft-ice machine in the shop, so it had to be tested... And tested again... And again. It work – all three times! And then it ran out...

And then I had some pictures taken for a guy from Norway, Vebjørn, who needs the top of a '30-'31 gas tank, using my body as mock-up. Ha had posted a wanted in a group on facebook, and I gave him contact info for Pirate Kustomz, so hopefully he'll be the happy owner of a rusted through danish gas tank.
Last night I had a couple of colleagues out to see the shop. One of them, Tue, is about to start sheet metal work on an old Peugeot 304, and needed to see, what our course is about. The other, Jes, is renovating a '76 Corvette, so not a lot of SMW on that. But I'm now hoping for a ride in both, when they are finished!
At some point a guy from came by, and we started talking about the upcoming show in the Bella Center, 2nd to 4th of November. If Brian's plans is carried out as they are now, we'll have a very kuul booth!
Won't be able to get the P-U body with there, which leads me to the next:
I'm not gonna make it! No matter how hard, I'd be working on it, I will under no circumstances be able to finish the work on the body before my 30th birthday. So, next deadline is the ESRA meet in Jylland next july – see www.
But nothing comes from nothing, and even though I didn't get to work on the body before half past eight, my plan about doing just a small amount of work actually succeeded yesterday; I got to align the door hinges and hang the passenger door:
Then I started on aligning the doors, and getting an impression of, how the roof is gonna look.
With Victor as my double DDH (Den, Der Holder – Den, Der Henter – danish for “the one, who holds” and “the one, who fetches”), some pictures were taken, so I can look at it later, and start plan and perhaps sketch my ideas for the roof and back of the body.
Next week I'll be welding the lower part of drivers side patch panel – if we don't have to arrange another meet!
Keep 'em kruzin!