Yesterday - being a former mechanical engineering student, now an unemployed bum with no future plans! - I spent a day picking up the parts for the body from my other garage, 120 miles south of the new one:
The recently painted 17" wheels and pretty clean parts, such as tools, '30 radiator shell and headlights went in to the car.
Back at the new place, I blocked up the frame, tore off the wheels, and just as a mock up, I placed the firewall on top, giving me an idea about the the size of the project!
The back pieces (top and bottom behind it):
The back corners of the cab, which needs a great deal of repair:
So now I have really good conditions for begining the project!
At the moment, I can not see any other option, other than using wood for the rebuild of the cab. But maybe I'll end up building a steel skelleton for it, and perhaps start selling it, if I can make cheap enough.
And if things go as planed, the pick-up will also be equiped with my hydraulic Model A brakes!
Keep 'em kruzin - and stopping!