fredag den 28. august 2015

4 banger dragster

De 4 cylindret Ford A/B motor har igennem tiderne været rigtigt hurtige - endda så hurtige, at de har været brugt til drag ræs. Se bl.a. disse billeder:

Artikel fundet i HRM juni 1960:


Fra HRM Juni 1961, et motorbillede af Preston & Woods ræser:

Okay okay, ingen '30 tudor, men Ole-Henry er også en dragræser... i ånden ihvertfald! 

mandag den 17. august 2015

The Ole-Henry, in the summers of 2014 and 2015

Last midsummer, I (finally!) came across a set of reasonably priced set of 17" tires to go on the front of the Ole-Henry!
So ever since I got them installed, he's been riding around on a pair of 5,50-17"s on the front, and a pair of 6,00-18"s at the back:

Luckily I had them installed, just in time for the 2014 South Island rumble, so they were tested at the gravel pit:
 It looked kuul, and I won "best show during race", but it costed me a radiator.

Here we're parking at the Fredericia swap meet, fall 2014:

I've had the pleasure of his company for 7½ years in the spring of 2015, which meant I had to have him inspected. For this, I had to (re)install turn signal blinkers and another set of turn signal arms, but besides this and a little work on the wire harness, he want through with flying colours - and on one of "my" lifts!

On the 15th of May, we went to the Trackdays meet and race, where we won the banger-class.
Unfortunately (or stupidly) when going up against a german in his black '30 Model A coupe with SBC, I broke the pinion gear in the rearaxle, as we should have left the line. (The high pitch sounds is'nt coming from me, but from the rear tires of the opponent, as he takes off!)

But my ever returning participation against every one, despite the odds, as long as my cars runs, gave me this years "special pick":

Long and very sad story short, involving a dishonest parts dealer, who for more than 7 weeks promised me a usable rear axle, it's now past the weekend of Vestjydsk Grusbaneløb, and the Ole-Henry is still at the garage with a working, but very noisy rear axle, despite my efforts in the last two weeks of wrenching parts from three different rears in to a usable one. Picked another rear axle one up last week, but lack of time prevented me from entering this years final gravel pit race.
So... come fall, winter and spring, and the 85 year old and me should be back in action, ready for next years events!

mandag den 10. august 2015

Reversing the Model A rear spring

After reading a couple of threads on DIY reversed eye springs, I've longed for taking my rear spring apart to get the rear lower. But since I (try to!) live by the motto: "Don't fix, what works - by a spare, and fårk that one up!", I haven't done anything about it.
Further more, I like the idea of a small press for the job, like the one used here, as the garage is getting filled surprisingly fast.
But during the hunt for another rear axle for #TheOleHenry, I came upon a good deal, containing a disassembled rear spring, and after reading this, I only needed a press - work has a couple, so problem solved!

Drawing the springs profile for reference, marking the spring about every inch, so far it is bend.

First press was to small, so onwards to the next:

This is more the correct size, so small presses does the trick. Here, patience really is a virtue, and too much pressure will only result in a too curved spring:

Still some pressing to do:

Checking with the reference, marked where more bend must be applied:

Final result, which was pretty good for an hours work!

fredag den 7. august 2015

Merger! My seperate B-engine and '31 P-U blog merged into one - at

I've been wanting to merge my three separate blogs into one for a while now, but haven't done it, because "it's properbly highly complicated, way above my level of expertice".
Turns out, it's not... not at all!

By using the export/import your blog - procedure at, I now have only one blog to maintain! Wauw, ha? :-D
So now all postings should be visible here.

All (well, maybe not all, but some!) of the things, going on at #DannerrsGarage, will be posted here as previous.
However, progress and thereby postings might be limited, as I last year became the half part owner of a 100 years old house in the country, which needs renovation, and this takes up most of my time. But occasionally, I get some garage time, and when, I will try to keep posting here.
The last year I've been posting pictures on instagram, and your are welcome to follow me at

Have a nice weekend, y'all! :-)