onsdag den 20. november 2013

Enigne start-up on the floor

So, I started up the engine for Hippo, a properbly stock B20 with no aparent history in my possesion- so I hope, it will work for awhile, until she's inspected, and I have had the time to renovate the old engine, which she came with.
Start of B20 for Hippo

(Due to some problems with the phone company's data coverage,
I wasn't able to upload the video via my blogger app. After nearly two weeks, I ended up downloading a youtube upload-app, so please click on the link to see it.)

Keep 'em kruzin!


tirsdag den 5. november 2013

One gone...

Sold an Amazon yesterday, my '63 four door. Kept the front and overdrive gear box though.

So now I have space to get Ole-Henry indoor, as Hippo is taking up the warm garage and an auto lift is in her old place.
Next thing is to get her back on the road again. I was aming for christmas, but that might be naive, so anytime this winter is fine.

Keep 'em kruzin!