My iPhone broke! For the first time in the 2 years and 7 months, and after the last drop on concrete, and the charging plug in is loose, so it will not charge. I must say, that iPhone has impressed me - been dropped on the floor/ground/table/garage floor/ asphalt a couple of dosin times, been dropped in a tub of engine cooling fluid and been run over by my Tudor, but it kept on going! I'll miss you, old friend... So I'm now without my smartphone, but I'll try to keep posting (almost!) weekly, so bare over with me, if the picture quality drops or it takes several days before the post is up.
This week I stumbled upon an old enamel sign in the shop, stating "Use the mat" - my thoughts went elesewhere, as the mat is slang for the hairy area above a woman's privates...

After going around the shop, laughing for my self about the sign, I got to work. With some help from Oliver and Mads "the mini munk, the body came back on the subframe, and I started mocking up the body-to-be with wooden parts and tape.
I cut up some old pipes from a bicycle frame, so the doors could be aligned.

Jag-Per came by in hos Ford (k)A (if he'd just remove the k from his trunk lid, that gas-saver would be sooo much kuuler!), and found the windshield deco funny.

Next week - trying to get some shape to the back, the B-post mocked up, and possibly weld the rear "legs" in pace.
Keep 'em kruzin!